Set up: 2:00pm – 4:30pm
Gate Opens: 5:00pm
Event time: 6:00pm – 10:00pm
Dismantle: 10:00p
- APPLICATION PROCESS:Applications will be accepted on a first come first serve basis, subject to Town of Davie approval. A list of all items being sold, prices and pictures must be uploaded with your electronic application. Only items listed with your application and approved will be allowed for sale. Applicants with duplicate items offered by a previously approved vendor may be refused. Subletting of contracted booth space is prohibited. The Town reserves the right to remove any vendor for any cause felt to be in poor taste or not complying with the event rules. No shows forfeit all fees paid. Show will take place RAIN OR SHINE. BOOTH SPACE FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE.
Do not send payment with your application. All vendors must be pre-approved and notified via email with booth confirmation and payment instructions. All Non-Profit groups must provide a copy of their current 501-C3 to receive the non-profit booth rate.
- BOOTH SPACE: Each vendor will be provided with one space. Vendors must supply their own tables, chairs, tents and any other supplies needed. This includes dollies and carts for transporting equipment. Tent/canopy must be weighted and secured to withstand inclement weather. All boxes and other materials must be kept out of sight. You are responsible for setting up, maintaining, and removing your own booth, merchandise, and trash. Vendors will be responsible to be open during the entire event.
- SETUP/BREAK DOWN: Setup is 1:00pm – 4:00pm on Saturday, April 5, 2025. All booths must be set up and ready for inspection 30 minutes prior to gates opening. Vendors should unload vehicles, move vehicle to parking lot and then begin set up. Vehicles may not be stationed next to set-up area. At no time may a vendor block or impede traffic flow to another vendor’s booth. The Town reserves the right to relocate space rented by a vendor for any reason. No moving vehicles are allowed inside the event gates during operating hours.
- SALES TAX: Vendors are responsible for collecting and paying the 7% Florida sales tax.
- PROFESSIONALISM: All vendors and their staff are to maintain a neat and professional appearance and keep their booth clean and orderly. All signage is to be attractive, professional and displays must be kept within the booth area.
- SECURITY: We do not provide overnight security. Any items left overnight at the owner’s risk.
- PROHIBITED ITEMS/ACTIVITIES: Wholesale, mass produced, knives, firearms, and any item deemed not keeping with a family event are strictly prohibited. Sale or possession of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. Loud music, heckling or disturbing noises will not be permitted. Outside food and drink prohibited inside the facility. PCI concessions will be open providing food and drink for sale. Smoking is prohibited
Assumes all risk of possible property damage or bodily injury through participation in any activity, facility, class, or event by the Town or coordinated by the Town with any other person or entity. Voluntarily chooses to participate in any facility, class, activity, or event with full knowledge that any facility, class, activity, or event is not an essential service and participation could result in permanent damage or injury to me. Agrees to release, indemnify, and hold harmless the Town of Davie and/or its departments or agents, officers, officials, and employees from liability resulting from my participation in said facility, class, activity, or event. Specifically agrees and acknowledges that any photos, images, or videos of myself or my children taken during said class, activity, or event shall be the sole property of the Town of Davie and as such, the Town shall utilize any and all photos, images, or videos taken of myself or my child for any purposes deemed appropriate by the Town of Davie, including but not limited to brochures, documents, leaflets, posters, Town Website, or Davie TV. No other person or entity shall have the right to utilize said photos or images for private and/or public uses without the expressed consent of the Town.
Affirms that I have carefully read the above release, understand the contents of the release, and signs this release as my own free act.
Please click this link to complete your application: Vendor Application